My Impossible Bonnie【電子書籍】[ Marvin Music Jr ]
<p>This is my collection of poetry dedicated to one person, the most important woman in my life. I started writing poetry again for the first time in years because of her inspiration and this is for her. It is a very personal look at the separation we have faced due to circumstances and the feelings I have had about that distance between us. Some of the poems deal with the feelings of being in love and being apart, some with the future hopes, some with the desires of the everyday things I wish for. It is probably the most personal of my poetry because everything I wrote was a gift to her.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:119円
- レビュー件数:0件
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musicj 関連ツイート
広島では引き続き崎谷健次郎さんの「もう一度夜を止めて」の新録バージョンが。 #rccrp #musicj #rccradio
@magicalsammy 2018/03/22 21:53
時の流れに身を任せ。中国語バージョンとかは知っているけど、五木さんとデュエットはしらなかった。。。 #musicj 高井さんのナイスなお仕事
@toratorax 2018/03/22 21:46
RT @sam_sapporo: え?
@mitsuscpunk 2018/03/22 22:00
@kwG4N9byuUv1YLK 2018/03/22 21:54
@mitsuscpunk ばてぃすた さん、今夜もお疲れ様でした。おやすみなさいませ #musicj
@Showu_Shadou 2018/03/22 21:51
音源聴くのは今回が初めてです #musicj
@_outskirts_ 2018/03/22 21:45